Identity Protection Services

Social Security AdministrationNew Mexico State Identity Theft Passport Program

I am writing to you today with good news – help for victims of ID theft is just a phone call away! Victims of ID theft no longer have to suffer in isolation feeling like they have nowhere to turn for support.

My name is Mark Medley, president and founder of ID Theft Resolutions. I had my identity stolen in 2001 and spent the next several frustrating years recovering my good name. No one should have to go through what I did just because somebody stole their identity. I founded ID Theft Resolutions to teach others how to prevent ID theft and to help victims of ID theft get their lives back.

We offer a variety of services:
• Assistance to help victims of ID theft take back their lives
• Family ID theft prevention checkup
• Mini-workshop for small businesses and their employees
• Consulting services to law enforcement, prosecutors, other public officials, and businesses.


What we do for victims of identity theft:

Here at ID Theft Resolutions, we understand the frustrations and very long process that victims of identity theft go through to recover their good name after having their identities stolen. We also understand that there isn’t any quick fix or guarantee that it will all go away soon. So, what we do is spend time with the victim to help them in their long journey that is part of the fastest growing white collar crime inAmericatoday. Here are examples of the things we spend the time helping the victims get through and giving them the support they need.


  1. We aid them with the steps involved in filing a police report, placing a fraud alert on their credit reports, advising them on reviewing their credit reports and filing a dispute with the credit reporting agencies, and filing a report with the Federal Trade Commission.
  2.  We walk them through the process of filling out the paperwork involved in getting an ID Theft Passport through the New Mexico State Attorney Generals office. 
  3.  We inform them on how to pull a free credit report, and how to place a fraud alert or credit freeze on their credit reports.
  4. We assist them contacting the different agencies such as the, Federal Trade Commission, Social Security Administration, the Attorney Generals office, and the three credit reporting agencies.                                                  
  5.  We inform them about how to file a dispute letter for new accounts, credit reporting companies, and for existing accounts.
  6.  We discuss with them on how to handle some of the different types of identity theft such as, ATM and Debit cards, Checking Accounts, Credit Cards, Bankruptcy, Debt Collectors, Mail Theft, Utilities, Gov-Issued ID’s, Student Loans, Income Taxes, Medical Identity Theft and Child Identity Theft.   

 Thru all of this we are proud of what we do and remind each individual that they are not alone in this serious situation.                                                                                                                                               

For more information about us and how we can be of service to you or your community, please contact us by calling 1-888-484-9118.

ID Theft Resolutions, Ltd. was formed exclusively for charitable purposes in accordance with section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.